Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Easiest Salad You'll Ever Make

This truly is a quick and easy salad. Made with cabbage, it gives you an opportunity to enjoy this vegetable raw - something most of us don't do very often. With the fresh dill, it's great to liven up a meal. If you eat meat, it works well as a side to balance out beef. Enjoy!

1/4 head cabbage, finely sliced
1 onion, finely sliced
1 handful cut fresh dill
Sea salt to taste
A good olive oil
Cider Vinegar

Rinse the sliced cabbage and put it in a bowl with the salt. Crunch the cabbage with your hand. (This softens the cabbage and helps bring out the flavor.) Add the onion, dill, olive oil, and vinegar. That's it! Now, did I promise an easy salad or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds really great. Will have to give it a try. Thanks